Monday, September 28, 2015

Hot Air Balloon Paper Quilling

A friend of mine really likes hot air balloons and I wanted to make her something for her birthday.  And thus my first quilling project was born.  Please note: I gave this as a gift and therefore can't take any new pictures of it at the moment.  All I have are ones I found on my phone from before.

I had found these 2 images on pinterest and both definitely had their merits.

I love the color and pattern of this one
I love the clouds and movement of this one

So I combined them both into an image that I was pretty proud of.  As you can see it has most of the qualities of the first one but the clouds and direction of the second.  (Including the little rhinestones in the clouds- adorable)

I know its not a great picture but I do have one in the works one that shows a little better detail on the basket.

I have to say, the straight color changing lines took FOREVER.  It looks like they should be easy because they're not doing anything but no.  Having them like that with different colors means they are short pieces and with no surface area to stick to the final board.  It's incredibly frustrating and if given the opportunity to make it again I would  have made the pattern more swirly like the second image.  Just saying, it would have made my life easier.  

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