Netflix Pairing

Granted it's not quite as scientific as wine pairings, but I feel like certain shows are more conducive to different projects.  If you are anything like me, you need some kind of background noise while working or risk going crazy. 

I am a Netflix junkie through and through.  I tend to lean towards comedies, SciFi, or fantasy mostly, but there are a few dramas thrown in. 

Whenever I am making a costume that is from a show, I watch all of whatever it is from as many times as I need to.  Then I follow it up with all of the seasons of whatever show I am watching at the time.  When I start a show I pretty much have to finish it.  But in my experience, it really does help to have the right show for the right project.  I loved Once Upon a Time, Gilmore Girls and Supernatural and I think they go with anything, so I will pair them with 'general crafting'.  As long as it doesn't take too much focus.  If we are talking about focus, Scandal is a great show as long as whatever you are working on isn't critical. 

I have found that sewing or other occasionally noisy activities are best with shows you've seen before or take little thought to follow.  How I Met Your Mother, Big Bang Theory and Friends are perfect in my opinion. 

Crocheting (while still new to me) was mostly done while game shows are on in the background.  I liked Family Feud and whatever random came on GSN because I was more focused on the work than the TV.  With shows like that it doesn't matter what you miss because the score is right there. 

DO NOT watch anything so completely involved or all consuming that it takes like an hour to write 16 sentences on a blog (I am looking at you How to Get Away With Murder!!)

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