Cosplay and costuming

I recently discovered that this is my true passion.  I love seeing things come to life in a way that's tangible in the real world.  I have made a couple of costumes already but regrettably I did not have blogging or chronicling my exploits in mind at the time.  Most of my pictures of past projects are only of completed versions and don't detail what I did to get them there.  HOWEVER, if you see anything you like or want to know how I did it just ask!  I will be happy to explain in my rambling way every intricate piece of any costume.

I am a do-it-from-scratch junkie.  If I can make it myself, I will make it myself unless I see something in a thrift store or somewhere that is too perfect to pass up.  Granted it's on a piece by piece basis, but in general if it looks like someone made it, I probably did.

I am incredibly thankful for my wonderful husband who lets me play dress up and dress him up as well.  Hopefully I can set this thing up to sort my costumes and his but just in case I will put it out there that I am far more likely to buy pieces for his costumes rather than make them because he gets annoyed when I have to measure him too often. 

For me, on the other hand, I am constantly making adjustments and changing things and whatnot.  Since most of my designs are from character pictures, I don't have or use patterns to start- I have to make it up as I go.  Granted this presents problems for my pieces that only show the final product, but feel free to browse and I can tell you how I did anything on here.

I mean for God's sake he let me do this!
I was just comparing quotes, I swear!!
See my other works by clicking the labels tab or click the individual project below

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