Wednesday, September 16, 2015

A Rocky Start

You'll have to forgive me for being new at this, but my objective is to share some of my crafting knowledge and skills.  Although I have a variety of talents, none of them include web design- but I have to start somewhere.  I would like to set this up as a showcase of projects I have done with kind of a how-to guide for what I did and any tips or tricks I learned along the way.  Writing is not necessarily a strong suit of mine (and neither is proofreading, as I am sure you will find) so feel free to make suggestions or ask for clarification where I am murky at best.  Also, in any pictures I may post please ignore any 'messy house' I have going on in the background.  You know what they say about creative minds and all... No? OK, well maybe I am just a slob.  Regardless, I hope you enjoy my adventures in crafting and blogging.